A pioneer in the archaeological field in the post- independent Bihar, the discovery of remains of stone pillars and those of a monk’s hospital at Kumrahar in the Patna district go to the credit of KPJRI. The excavations of a stupa at Vaishali resulted into the discovery of the famous relic casket of Buddha. Kept at the Patna Museum now, the casket is an object of deep reverence for the Buddhists and a huge attraction for the tourists. KPJRI also excavated a site at Ramchaura in the Vaishali district and found antiquities that date back to the Chalcolithic period.
Recently, the institute has concluded the archaeological excavations at Panr near Dalsinghsarai in the Samastipur district. The excavations have exposed a settlement history stretching from Neolithic times to the Gupta Period. The Radiocarbon dates of organic materials obtained from the site have been dated between from 6200 to 2000 Before Present (base year 1950) by the Birbal Sahni institute of Paleo-Botany, Lucknow.